Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

Structural Repairs for Bay Window with Ornate Terracotta Blocks

cracks bay period terracotta - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

The exterior of this Victorian/Edwardian property in the London Borough of Lewisham, SW13, has a number of beautiful period features.  The ground floor bay window columns have ornate capitals, the bay window brickwork includes terracotta blocks below the 1st floor bay and the roofline has decorative terracotta blockwork below the eaves.

In common with many properties of this age, a combination of ageing and ineffective restraining of the bay window columns, together with de-bonding of the main elevational brickwork, was allowing the bay window to lean outward. This was also opening up large cracks in the surrounding brickwork. Without structural repairs to restrain and reinforce the masonry, it will fail and lead to the collapse of the structure above.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

The Structural Problem

This period home in Inner London was at risk of structural collapse. Protecting the fragile terracotta blocks and eave brackets was a key consideration in designing the structural repair plan.

terracotta blocks eave brackets - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

Some of the structural problems included:

  • Large cracks around the bay window
  • Clearly visible outward leaning of the first floor bay window masonry columns and lintels
  • Significant outward movement of the masonry lintel to the left side main elevational wall
  • Significant movement of all the terracotta ornate blocks below the soffits
  • Fragile, period terracotta blocks & knee braces (eave brackets) required delicate handling


leaning bay window gaps - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

AWT’s repairs were designed to target the root cause of the structural failings. Due to AWT’s specialist knowledge and equipment, demolishing and rebuilding the bay window was not required.  AWT used bespoke drilling jigs to install fixings within the masonry to restore structural integrity without damage to the period features, especially the fragile terracotta blocks.

The Structural Repair Solution

AWT’s specialist structural repair tools allow the masonry to be gently moved back to its correct alignment. As shown in the photo below, custom-made drilling equipment allows the installation of fixings within the masonry with minimal impact on the facade of the property. This redistributes the upper-storey loads and restrains the brickwork to prevent cracking and bulging. AWT’s specialist repairs were designed to realign and restore the masonry without damaging or replacing the fragile terracotta blocks.

restoration terracotta block bay window - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

The first step was to bring the masonry back in line by:

  • Installation of temporary supports
  • Intrusive inspection of masonry components that appear to be of solid masonry sections but could be nominal thickness components backed with timber framework, amending repair plan as necessary
  • Careful removal of dislodged ornate terracotta blockwork and knees (aka knee braces or eave brackets)
  • Set up AWT designed realigning cramping equipment
  • Deployment of specialist hydraulic jacks to realign the bay window masonry and elevational brickwork

The structure of the property was then strengthened by the installation of high quality specialist fixings:

  • Long diamond drilled grouted ties
  • Lateral restraints
  • Grout injection ties
  • Resin bonded ties

Finally, the finishing touches were added to restore the period beauty of the property:

  • Reinstate the terracotta ornate blockwork
  • Repair masonry pillars and cills with Monolevel FC anti-carbonation cosmetic grade mortar
  • Replace cracked bricks and mortar ensuring a suitable colour match

The repaired masonry elements were left ready for repainting. No external fixings were required – leaving the period features of the property to be enjoyed for years to come.

masonry brickwork repairs inner london - Distorted Bay Window With Ornate Terracotta Blockwork

Action Wall Ties are specialist structural repair contractors with the skills required to realign and strengthen leaning bay window masonry including period and heritage properties with fragile or ornate features of brickwork, terracotta stone/masonry elements and plaster stucco works. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on large and small projects.

AWT are available in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns

Urgent Realignment & Reinforcement of Brick Bay Window Columns

collapsing 2 storey bay - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns

When the AWT team inspected this Victorian / Edwardian mid-terrace house in the London Borough of Lambeth it was a familiar story. Previous attempts to repair leaning brick bay window columns, cracked brickwork and dropped brickwork arches had failed. Without appropriate action, the front of the property would collapse.

The failed repairs, including repointing, had only provided a temporary cosmetic repair. The underlying structural issues had not been addressed, so the bay window columns continued to distort, cracks reopened and the brickwork arches sagged again.  A long-term structural repair solution was required.

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

The Structural Problem

simple horizontal - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Bay window cracked cills bricks - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Bay window dropping brick arches - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
collapsing brick bay window - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
cracking bay window cills - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Cracked bay window cills & bricks
Bay window-dropping brick arches
Collapsing brick bay window
Cracking bay window cills
simple horizontal - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns

Like many bay window period properties in Central London, inadequate restraining of the masonry combined with the effects of ageing had allowed movement and deformation of the brickwork over a long period of time. This property had reached the point where structural collapse was a real risk.

Significant outward rotational movement of the front bay windows’ brickwork and brickwork arches was clearly visible. Wide cracks had opened up in the window cills. Inside the property, cracks had opened up in the walls and ceilings. The outward-leaning brickwork columns together with cracked, fractured and dropped brickwork arches to the first and second-floor bays combined to seriously compromise the structural integrity of the entire front of the property.

The Structural Repair Solution

Like many 3-storey period properties in South London, this mid-terrace had been converted into flats. Any structural repair solution needed to minimise disruption to the tenants.

simple horizontal - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
reinforced brick bay window - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
repaired bay window cills - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Repairs bay window cracked cills bricks - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Repairs bay window dropping brick arches - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns
Reinforced brick bay window columns
Repairs to cracked bay window cills & bricks
Repairs to bay window cracks
Repairs to bay dropping brick arches
simple horizontal - Long Term Repairs to Leaning & Cracking Bay Columns

AWT designed a programme of remedial works that would tackle the underlying structural defects and add tensile strength to the masonry. The work included:

  1. Installation of temporary supports
  2. Realignment of brickwork columns & arches using AWT-designed hydraulic equipment
  3. Installation of stainless steel bed joint reinforcement
  4. Reconnecting the bay window  brickwork to the main elevation by precision drilling to install grouted helical bars
  5. Installation of steel lateral restraints into the timber joists and resin bonded to the masonry

These structural repairs redistributed the upper-storey loads to those parts of the supporting structure below, which are best able to carry them. They also restrained any diagonal cracking and bulging of the brickwork.

AWT’s specialist techniques preserved the period masonry and stonework. Disturbed areas of mortar were replaced with fresh mortar that matched the existing colour and texture. The decorative stonework was left ready for repainting.

Action Wall Ties are structural repair experts. We have specialist skills in the realignment and reinforcement of period bay window columns. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on large and small projects.

AWT are available in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Bowing Gable End Wall in South London

Structural Repairs to Bowing Gable Wall Prior to Loft Conversion

The AWT team were called in to inspect this Victorian / Edwardian end-of-terrace home in London SE15. The owners planned to add a loft extension but their plans were on hold due to the significant, visible outward bulging of the large gable end wall.

simple horizontal - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London
bulging end wall South London - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London
repairing end wall Southwark - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London
repaired end wall Southwark - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London
Before Repairs to Bulging End Wall
During Repairs to Bulging End Wall
After Repairs to Bulging End Wall
simple horizontal - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London

The Structural Problem

A survey team visited this property in the London borough of Southwark to identify the root cause of the bulging of the large, solid brick flank/gable wall. The survey team reported that due to ageing, ineffective and inadequate restraining of the brickwork the entire gable wall was de-bonding and disconnecting from the rest of the masonry.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London

This large gable wall would continue to pull away and without structural repairs, eventually collapse. Traditional building methods would have required the partial deconstruction and rebuilding of the gable wall. Rebuilding work is slow, expensive and disruptive and it would not solve the root cause of the problem which is the inadequate restraining of the gable end wall.

The loft conversion project could not proceed until the gable end wall had been stabilised. The owners were looking for a fast, cost-effective, long-term solution to the structural defect in the gable end wall of their property that would allow the loft conversion to proceed.

The Structural Repair Solution

The bowing gable brickwork required restraining before loft conversion work could begin. AWT designed a complete structural repair program that would realign the brickwork and also add tensile strength to the structure. Their specialist tools and fixings allowed the restoration of the gable end wall’s strength and integrity without the need for visible fixings or costly rebuilding work.

AWT utilised several specialist techniques:

  1. Bed joint reinforcement beaming
  2. Grout tie injection
  3. Lateral restraints

bowing end wall Southwark - Bowing Gable End Wall in South London


The structural repairs were carefully targeted to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and restrain the masonry from bulging outwards. The formation of continuous beams within the brickwork redistributed the upper-storey loads and restrained diagonal cracking and bulging.

A specialist drilling rig, designed by AWT, was used to drill through the brickwork at a shallow angle to maximise the number of bricks connected by each helical, grout bonded fixing. The internal timber beams were reconnected to the masonry using resin-bonded stainless steel fixings.

Cracked and disturbed areas of mortar were replaced with new mortar that was matched for colour, texture and pointing style.

AWT’s specialist gable end wall repairs provided a long-term solution for this bulging gable wall masonry. The work was finished swiftly and with minimum inconvenience to the residents. The hidden fixings used by AWT also preserved the appearance of the old yellow stock brickwork.

Action Wall Ties are structural repair experts. We have specialist skills in the reinforcement and repair of large areas of bulging or bowing masonry, such as gable end walls. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on large and small projects.

AWT are available in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London

Located in Wandsworth, SW8, this Victorian/Edwardian home had clearly visible dropping and cracking masonry around the ground floor bay window. Shortly after the initial inspection, the masonry failed and the brickwork of the bay window collapsed.

Previous attempts at repairs by re-pointing the brickwork were clearly visible but had failed to get to the root cause of the structural defect. AWT was able to stabilise the masonry before strengthening the structure and rebuilding the brickwork to provide a long-lasting repair.

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

The Structural Problem

simple horizontal - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
London bay window collapsed - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
SW8 bay window collapsed - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
London bay window sagging - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
SW8 bay window sagging - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
Bay structural reinforcement - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
Bay structural strengthening - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
Collapsed Bay Window, London
Collapsed Bay Window, SW London
Sagging Bay Window, London
Sagging Bay Window, SW London
Bay Window Structural Reinforcement
Bay Window Structural Strengthening
simple horizontal - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London

AWT was called in to survey this mid-terraced, period property in Greater London. The ground floor bay window masonry and brickwork arches had visible cracking, dropping and significant outward leaning. A large gap had opened up between the brickwork columns and the box sash windows. This serious lack of structural integrity was also causing the 1st floor brickwork to bulge.

The photos show the warning signs that owners of similar properties should look for that warn of serious structural defects in bay window brickwork and the risk of collapse.

Just 2 days after the initial survey, the ground floor right-hand column and arch, the front arch plus the supported external skin of brickwork collapsed. This left the brickwork above unsupported and at imminent risk of failure. Urgent action was required to avoid the collapse of the entire front elevation.

The root cause of the structural defects was a combination of aging and inadequate restraining.

The Structural Repair Solution

simple horizontal - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
Collapsing bay masonry - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
dropping bay arch - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
bay window gap - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
dropping bay masonry - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
rebuilding bay brick arch - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
rebuilding bay brickwork - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
after bay rebuilt - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
rebuild bay window - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London
Collapsing Bay Masonry
Bay Window Arch Just Before Collapse
Gaps Around Bay Window Glazing
Warning Signs of Bay Window Masonry Collapse
Rebuilding Bay Window Brick Arch
Rebuilding Collapsed Bay Brickwork
After Bay Window Rebuilding
Rebuild of Bay Window Brickwork
simple horizontal - Rebuild & Reinforce Collapsed Bay Window in SW London

As is often the case, this property showed signs of previous failed attempts at repairing the defects using traditional building techniques. Re-pointing dropping and sagging brickwork provides only a temporary, cosmetic solution, it doesn’t repair the underlying structural issues.

The bay window brickwork required realignment, structural reinforcement and rebuilding all without compromising the original period features.

Temporary supports were installed to prevent further damage to the masonry. AWT’s specialist realigning cramping equipment was used to straighten the bowed brickwork.

The collapsed masonry was rebuilt with the original components where possible. Replacement bricks and mortar were colour matched. A steel spine was built into the columns during rebuilding to strengthen and restrain the brickwork.

AWT’s special diamond drilling methods were used to introduce stainless steel bed joint reinforcement to strengthen the brickwork and redistribute the weight of the brickwork above. Grouted anchor fixings, lateral restraints and resin bonded ties were also installed to reinstate the strength and uniformity of the wall. The chipped and cracked window cills were also repaired using Flexcrete.

The result was a restoration of not only the structural strength of the bay window but also the preservation of the period features.

AWT provide cost effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural issues including failing and collapsed bay windows. We operate not only in SW London but across the whole of London and the South East of England.

To book a time for one of our surveyors to visit your property or to discuss your requirements, call us today on 01227 721255, email us at enquiries@actionwallties.co.uk or use our contact form to get in touch.

Repairs to Ornate Window Columns

Structural Repairs for Ornate Victorian Window Columns

simple horizontal - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
structural repairs SW4 - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l SW4 windows gaps - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l SW4 windows gaps - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l SW4 windows gaps - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l after SW4 column repaired - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l SW4 bay cracked 1 - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l after SW4 bay repairs - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l SW4 bay cracks - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
l after SW4 bay repaired - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
Structural Repairs for Ornate Period Windows
Before Window Structural Repairs
Before Window Structural Repairs
Before Window Structural Repairs
After Window Structural Repairs
Before Bay Window Structural Repairs
After Bay Window Structural Repairs
Before Bay Window Structural Repairs
After Bay Window Structural Repairs
simple horizontal - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns


The exterior of this 4 storey property in the London Borough of Lambeth, SW4, is packed with beautiful period features.  As well as stone columns with ornate capitals, it also has decorative brick pillars and arched windows.

Sadly, a combination of ageing and ineffective restraining of the stone and brickwork columns was allowing the columns to bow out and the brick arches to drop and spread. This was cracking the surrounding brickwork. If the window columns, pillars and arches were not restrained and reinforced it would result in the failure of the window supports and the collapse of the structure above.

The Structural Problem

This period home in South West London, like many properties with serious structural defects, showed signs of previous attempts at repair by standard building methods. Repointing in areas where the brickwork columns had bowed failed to prevent the columns bowing further. Without specialist structural repairs the columns and arches would fail and cause the structure above to collapse.

As shown in the gallery below, AWT designed a programme of repairs that target the root cause of the structural failings. Due to AWT’s specialist equipment and know how, demolishing and rebuilding the affected areas was not required.  AWT used precision drilling equipment to install fixings within the masonry, restoring structural integrity without damage to the period features.

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

simple horizontal - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
p bowing columns lambeth - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
p SW4 window column repairs - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
p column gaps lambeth - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
p SW4 column repairs - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns
Before Window Column Realignment
Window Column Structural Repair
Gaps Around Windows
Realignment & Repair of Window Columns
simple horizontal - Repairs to Ornate Window Columns


The property had 3 areas that required structural repairs:

The 2 Storey Bay Window

  • Visible rotational bulging
  • Signs of distortion and distress with rotational movement
  • Dropping of brickwork arches
  • Leaning of the supporting columns
  • Cracks

Front 1st Floor Window

  • Significant outward movement to the first floor right hand stone column and capital
  • Unrestrained column had moved outwards allowing the attached brickwork to lean outward and drop
  • Resultant gaps between the timber window box frame and the column

Rear 2nd Floor Window

  • Significant outward bowing movement to the two brickwork columns
  • Unrestrained brick columns moved outwards leaving a bow shaped space between the timber window box frame and the column
  • Attached brickwork leaning outward

The Structural Repair Solution

AWT’s specialist repairs were designed to alleviate the masonry defects, add tensile strength and restore the integrity of the masonry without compromising the beauty of the period features.

Installation of custom fixings within the masonry redistributes the upper storey loads to those parts of the supporting structure below which are best able to carry them. This also restrains diagonal cracking and bulging of the brickwork.

  • Install temporary supports
  • Deploy AWT designed realigning cramping equipment
  • Use specialist hydraulic powered jacks to realign the columns and brickwork arches
  • Install steel corded bed joint reinforcement embedded within the masonry
  • Reconnect and reinforce the masonry by precision drilling and installation of Cintec sock anchors
  • Reconnect the bay window’s brickwork and masonry using grouted 8mm helical bars
  • Repair damaged stonework with Flexacrete
  • Replace cracked bricks and mortar ensuring suitable colour match

Action Wall Ties are specialist structural repair contractors with the skills required to reinforce and realign window support columns on modern, period and heritage properties. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on large and small projects.

AWT are available in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Remedial Wall Ties for Victorian Semi in Surrey

Bulging & Cracking Brickwork Across Front of Victorian Semi Detached Houses

These 2 Victorian semi detached houses in Egham, Surrey had a significant bulge in the brickwork above the first floor windows. There was also a failing brick arch lintel and cracking to the brickwork. Without swift action the masonry would collapse.

AWT were called in to repair the defects and allow the homeowners to avoid slow, expensive and disruptive rebuilding work. Equipment designed by AWT was used to realign the brickwork, stabilise and reinforce the masonry and then install new wall ties and lateral restraints.

Surrey bowing masonry repairs - Remedial Wall Ties for Victorian Semi in Surrey

The Structural Problem

The AWT survey team visited the property in Surrey, TW20 to identify the root cause of the visible bulging of the masonry at the front of the property. The AWT survey team quickly identified that this Victorian semi was built using cavity wall construction and that failing cavity wall ties were likely a root cause of the problem.

A limited inspection of the wall ties was undertaken by drilling 12mm holes in the outer leaf of brickwork to view within the cavity via an endoscope. This confirmed the diagnosis of failing wall ties, as can be seen from the photos taken with the endoscope, as the corrosion of the metal was clearly visible. The mild steel ties were all in a similarly heavily corroded condition and showing signs of de-laminating.

Failing Victorian wall ties surrey - Remedial Wall Ties for Victorian Semi in Surrey

Horizontal cracking, lifting and opening up of joints was noted at irregular intervals on the front elevation. Metal ties were located behind the cracks, with an electronic wall tie locator.

Corrosion of the embedded mild steel wall ties was causing them to expand to many times their original size. This was damaging the outer leaf of brickwork, splitting the bed joints and causing either lifting or bowing of the walls and damage to internal finishes. This left the wall vulnerable to vertical and wind loads, especially such a large gable wall.

Without structural repairs the wall would continue to bow further and eventually collapse. Traditional building methods would have required the partial deconstruction and rebuilding of the front of the properties.

The Structural Repair Solution

Completed wall tie repairs Surrey - Remedial Wall Ties for Victorian Semi in Surrey

Unlike some cavity wall tie repair contractors, AWT always works to the standards laid out in the Building Research Establishment Specification Digest. This means that the separation between new wall ties, the layout pattern of the new wall ties and the material used to manufacture the new wall ties all meet the highest standards to ensure a safe, long term structural repair.

To avoid failure of the brickwork and brickwork arch AWT realigned the bulged brickwork, installed new stainless steel wall ties, isolated the old ties to prevent them causing further damage and formed a composite beam within the external brickwork. The formation of deep masonry beams within the existing masonry supports the masonry and maintains the integrity of the brickwork.

AWT use their own custom designed hydraulic realignment equipment and diamond bladed precision drilling rigs. This allows the new fixings to be installed with minimal disturbance to the masonry. A variety of specialist fixings were introduced into the brickwork to restore the strength and stability of the wall.

As can be seen in the photo above, when the work is complete there are no visible fixing either inside or outside the property. The AWT team also take the time to colour match any replacement bricks as well as matching the colour, texture and pointing style of the mortar where work has taken place.

AWT provide cost effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural faults including failing cavity wall ties and bulging brickwork. We operate not only in Surrey but across the whole of London and the South East of England.

To book a time for one of our surveyors to visit your property or to discuss your requirements, call us today on 01227 721255, email us at enquiries@actionwallties.co.uk or use our contact form to get in touch.

Bulging Gable Wall in NE London

Bulging End of Terrace Gable Wall

The owners of this Victorian / Edwardian end of terrace home in the Redbridge area of North East London called in AWT because of the significant outward bulging of the large gable wall of their property. There was also cracking to the internal gable end walls as well as to the internal party wall between the property and its neighbour.

The Structural Problem

The AWT survey team visited the property in Woodford Green to identify the root cause of the visible bulging movement of the large, solid brickwork flank/gable wall. Due to aging, ineffective and inadequate restraining of the brickwork the entire gable wall was de-bonding and disconnecting with the rest of the masonry. This was leading to additional problems with the internal beams losing support.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Bulging Gable Wall in NE London

Without structural repairs, the large gable wall would continue to pull away and eventually collapse. Traditional building methods would have required the partial deconstruction and rebuilding of the flank wall. Even then, it would not have solved the root cause of the problem – inadequate restraining of the gable wall.

The Structural Repair Solution

The team at AWT designed a structural repair package that would bring the brickwork back into alignment and add tensile strength to the structure. The specialist tools and fixings used by AWT enable them to restore the brickwork’s integrity without visible fixings or rebuilding work.

Bed joint reinforcement beaming, grout tie injection and lateral restraints were employed to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and provide restraint. The formation of continuous beams within the existing masonry redistributed the upper storey loads while at the same time assisting in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging tendencies.

A specialist drilling rig, designed by AWT, was used to drill through the brickwork at a shallow angle to maximise the number of bricks connected by each helical, grout bonded fixing. The internal timber beams were reconnected to the masonry using resin bonded stainless steel fixings.

Cracked and disturbed areas of mortar were raked out and replaced with fresh mortar that was matched for colour, texture and pointing style.

AWT provided a long term solution for the bowing gable brickwork. By targeting the repairs exactly where they were required the work was completed swiftly and with minimum inconvenience to the residents. The hidden fixings used by AWT preserved the beauty of the old yellow stock brickwork.

Action Wall Ties are structural repair contractors with the specialist skills required to reinforce and repair large areas of bowing and bulging brickwork. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on large and small projects.

AWT are available in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Hazardous Masonry on Grade 2 Listed Building

Listed Building with Bulging & Cracking Masonry

This Grade II listed building in Thanet, Kent, was built in the 1840’s. The owners of this period property were facing the prospect of demolition and rebuilding of the facade of the property due to serious structural defects. Previous repairs using standard building techniques had failed to solve the structural problems. The property is currently in use as a nursery school. The business would have been forced to close for several months during traditional building works. AWT were able to repair the severe structural problems in a couple of weeks and preserve the period features without disrupting the running of the business.

Thanet grade 2 listed - Hazardous Masonry on Grade 2 Listed Building

The Structural Problem

The structural issues with this Victorian, Grade 2 listed property in Ramsgate, Kent were becoming hazardous due to the risk of falling masonry. Traditional building methods would have required several months of expensive and messy deconstruction and rebuilding work. The business would have been forced to close during the building works and the subsequent re-plastering and redecoration.

The front of the building had clearly visible bulging and cracking to the head of all the first floor windows. There were also cracks in the brickwork and stucco works each side and to the underside soffit of the window opening heads. There were clear signs of previous attempts at repairs that had failed to get to the root cause of the problems.

grade 2 listed structural defect - Hazardous Masonry on Grade 2 Listed Building
Buckling Brickwork

As shown in the photo below, the mild steel embedded within the masonry had corroded and the rust caused it to expand to several times the thickness of the original metal. The heavily corroded wrought iron arch bars were lifting and cracking the brickwork and the decorative stucco around the windows. The stucco stringer course frieze and cornice of the parapet wall was also cracking and distorting. Previous attempts at repairs had provided a temporary, cosmetic repair but had failed to solve the underlying structural defects.

The continued expansive corrosion of the wrought iron arch bars would, without remedial works, lead to the failure of the masonry and the risk of detached masonry falling from the building. Urgent structural repairs were required.

The Structural Repair Solution

Structural repairs to listed buildings need to be handled carefully to preserve the period features of the building. AWT have many years of experience working on listed properties. AWT can help the owners of listed buildings to navigate through the process of obtaining permission for repair works.

The specialist tools and techniques that AWT employ allow structural repairs to be made without the need for visible fixings. Using custom designed drilling and cutting tools, AWT can remove corroded metal fixings and embed new stainless steel fixings within the masonry.

Scaffolding listed building repairs - Hazardous Masonry on Grade 2 Listed Building

In order to allow the business to remain open during the structural repair works, AWT arranged for the scaffolding to be erected at the weekend while the nursery was closed. The scaffolding was then double boarded and netted for safety. The AWT crew accessed the scaffolding from the side of the building allowing parents, children and staff to access the building as usual through the main entrance.


The AWT team used their specialist techniques to form composite beams within the existing brickwork and then remove and replace the corroded wrought iron arch bars. The team then reconnected and reinforced the brickwork above the windows and the parapet wall. They also repaired the cracked decorative stucco.

This project required a combination of:

  • Bed joint reinforcement beaming
  • Grout tie injection
  • Resin bonded ties
  • Cintec sock anchors
  • Removal of corroded mild steel arch bars
  • Replacement arch bars
  • Brickwork repairs

The team at AWT strive to make all works as sympathetic as possible with the existing masonry. Not only do they try to match replacement bricks and pointing for colour and style they even match the mortar mixture texture.

The high quality fixings used by AWT combined with their thorough knowledge of structural defects ensures a long term solution to structural issues.

Action Wall Ties are structural repair contractors with the specialist skills required for listed buildings. AWT work along with property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities to preserve historic buildings.

AWT are available for large and small projects in Kent, London, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.

Failing Bay During Window Replacement

Bay Window Repairs During Fitting of New Windows

This period property in Southfields, South West London had failing bay window masonry. The old sash windows had been removed but fitting of the new windows revealed the bay window was unstable and out of alignment. Without professional structural repairs this would result in the collapse of the bay window masonry.

SW London Bay Repairs - Failing Bay During Window Replacement

The Structural Problem

As with many Victorian/Edwardian properties, issues with the bay windows became apparent during the fitting of replacement windows. New box sash windows were being installed but the surrounding masonry was clearly out of alignment. Repairs were necessary before the replacement window work could be fully completed.

This property in London, SW18, had visible cracking and dropping to the front bay window masonry. The bay had lost the internal brickwork support during the removal of the old box sash windows. Cracking of the first floor masonry lintel components and rendered brickwork were clearly visible. The original internal supports at the head of the bay window structure had been removed together with the original box sash windows.

The combination of inadequate restraining, ageing and the removal of the structural supports to the first floor during the replacement of the original window frames left the bay window unstable. Without suitable structural repairs the bay window was in danger of collapse.

The Structural Repair Solution

To reinstate stability, the bay window structure required the internal supports to be reinstated plus reinforcement of the masonry. Temporary supports were installed to the underside of the first floor front bay window masonry lintel. All the debris was removed from the crack and the lintel was lifted into a more level line with the adjacent brickwork.


Bed joint reinforcement beaming, grout tie injection, resin bonded ties, steel lintels and columns and some masonry repairs were all required. The formation of continuous beams within the existing masonry redistributed the upper storey loads to the supporting structure below while also assisting in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging tendencies. A bespoke steel box lintel frame supported on steel box columns was also fixed to the inside of the masonry columns.

The specialist techniques used by Action Wall Ties installed all the stainless steel fixings within the masonry leaving no visible fixings. Once the area had been redecorated the bay window looked as good as new.

AWT provide cost effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural faults including bay window reinforcement, realignment and lintel repairs. We operate not only in SW London but across the whole of London and the South East of England.

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

To book a time for one of our surveyors to visit your property or to discuss your requirements, call us today on 01227 721255, email us at enquiries@actionwallties.co.uk or use our contact form to get in touch.

Bowing Pebble Dash Gable Wall

Pebble Dashed Bowing Gable Wall

AWT was called in to investigate a bulging gable wall and cracked ceilings at the end of a terrace in Walthamstow, East London. A structural repair solution was needed that would not require the removal of the Spar pebble dash render.

London E17 Bowing gable wall - Bowing Pebble Dash Gable Wall

The Structural Problems

The homeowner called in AWT due to cracking in the internal walls and ceilings near the gable wall in this terraced home in London E17. Significant external outward bulging of the gable wall was also visible.

Gable wall problems are common in properties of this age and type. Ineffective and inadequate restraining of the gable masonry combined with ageing allows the gable brickwork to bulge and bow outwards.

A cost-effective solution was required that would restore the structural integrity, if possible without the need to remove the Spar pebble dash render from the gable wall.

If structural repairs are sought early enough, as in this case, AWTs specialist repair techniques may allow for repairs without removing the render/pebble dash. The small disturbed areas of render/pebble dash can then be made good with a concrete repair mortar system.

Standard building methods would require at least partial removal of the render and then re-rendering afterwards. Removal of the pebble dash render would have added to the expense and inconvenience for the householder. The access to the gable wall was also less than ideal.

The Structural Repair Solution

London E17 Bowing gable repairs - Bowing Pebble Dash Gable Wall
Location of Fixings

AWT used precision drilling techniques to embed fixings within the masonry with the minimum disturbance to the pebble dash finish.

Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming: As shown by the red dotted line, stainless steel fixings were introduced into the masonry to form a deep masonry beam that redistributed the load from the upper storey and restored structural strength.

Grouted Tie Injection: As shown by the green lines, precision drilling techniques were used to install helical, stainless steel, grouted ties to restrain the gable brickwork.

Lateral Restraints: As indicated in yellow, stainless steel, resin bonded restraints were fitted to tie the gable wall masonry to the timber joists. This further restrained any tendency for the brickwork to bow outwards.

Re-pointing Disturbed Areas: AWT colour matches the mortar that is used to re-point disturbed areas and drill holes.

As can be seen from the after photo, the structural repairs to the bowing gable are barely visible. The pebble dash rendering remains intact and the underlying structural defects have been dealt with in a cost effective manner.

For fast, effective solutions to bowing gable walls and other structural problems contact AWT today. AWT can advise on structural repairs to properties with render, pebble dash and spar dash. We provide professional solutions to a wide variety of structural issues for homeowners across London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

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