Custom Steel Reinforcement for Bulging Brickwork

Flats at Risk of Being Condemned

This 4-storey period property in Stratford, East London had been converted into flats. The large brick flank wall had significant outward bulging, with corresponding internal movement, resulting in cracking in the front and rear elevations. Without prompt structural repairs, the defect would worsen causing the property to be condemned as unsafe for occupation.

The owners and their structural engineers contacted Action Wall Ties to assist in designing and completing structural remediation works. Action Wall Ties, working with the consulting structural engineers, designed a practical stabilisation method that maintained the internal layouts.

The Structural Problem

This semi-detached Victorian/Edwardian property in London had been converted into a house of multiple occupation (HMO). The building had undergone extensive internal remodelling, including the complete removal of the original central spine wall, which had been replaced with steel beams. A survey found visible outward bulging of the large brick side wall, plus internal movement and cracking in the front and rear elevations.

As with many properties with structural defects, previous repair attempts had provided only short-term, cosmetic repairs but failed to tackle the underlying issues. As shown in the photo, the brickwork had bulged by well over 2 inches/5cm between floors. 

Consulting structural engineers reported that the central spine wall had been removed at the upper ground, first, and second-floor levels. The floors have been re-supported with steel beams. Originally, the central wall would have acted as a shear wall, providing horizontal stability to the building and preventing it from raking/leaning. Its removal has meant inadequate provision for horizontal stability in the central part of the building. This situation is believed to contribute to or worsen the bowing in the flank wall, presenting a significant structural problem that jeopardizes the building’s integrity. If not addressed, this issue is expected to worsen, potentially making the building a safety risk to the occupants.

The Structural Solution

Action Wall Ties, working with the consulting structural engineers, designed a practical stabilisation method that maintained the internal layouts of the flats. This involved forming braced diaphragms on each floor, incorporating the existing replacement steel beams, and introducing fabricated steel angles with welded junctions at ceiling line perimeters. This method reinstated horizontal stability to the central area in compliance with Document A of the building regulations regarding disproportionate collapse.

AWT worked with the structural engineer to design the steel work which was fabricated and delivered to the site. This allowed the on-site structural steelwork and brickwork to be completed in 2 weeks.

structural steel reinforcement 01 1024x576 - Custom Steel Reinforcement for Bulging Brickwork
AWT Designed Steel Reinforcement

The consulting engineers initially recommended two options to restore horizontal stability to the central area of the building while maintaining the internal layouts. However, both options would be disruptive, requiring tenants to move out for an extended period during the work. The owners were keen to find a solution that would not require changing the floor plan of the flats, as this would lead to additional costs and impact the sale/rental values.

The first option suggested by the consulting engineers was to install a three-story steel frame throughout the building, providing the necessary horizontal stiffness. If the existing beams were perfectly aligned (which is unlikely), it might be possible to use them with steel posts installed between them. However, misalignment of at least one beam is probable, leading to non-vertical posts. The second option was to rebuild the central spine wall in blockwork, possibly retaining the existing beams. This option would alter the layouts of the upper flats. It was noted that tying the flank wall to the floor plates and walls would be pointless without addressing the shear wall problem, necessitating both measures to stabilize the building. AWT collaborated with the consulting engineers to find a long-term, cost-effective structural repair solution that minimises disruption to the tenants.

Working with the consulting structural engineers, Action Wall Ties collaboratively designed a practical method of forming braced diaphragms on each floor. This method incorporated the existing replacement steel beams and involved adopting fabricated steelworks welded in situ. This approach maintained the benefits of the internal layouts while reinstating horizontal stability in the central area, in accordance with Document A concerning the disproportionate collapse of the building.

The steel braces restored the structural integrity of the building and realigned the brickwork. The property was left ready for the reinstatement of the internal finishes. Once replastering, repainting etc was completed, no fixings were visible inside or outside the property. AWT provided a long-term structural repair that preserved the floor plan of the flats and protected their sale/rental values.

Action Wall Ties are specialist structural repair contractors with the knowledge and experience required to repair period properties with severe masonry defects, such as bulging brick walls.  AWT work with structural engineers,  property owners, architects, project managers and local authorities on both small and large projects.

AWT are available across London, Kent, Essex, Surrey and Sussex. To arrange a survey or to discuss project details, please use our contact form, email us or call us on 01227 721 255.


Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London

simple horizontal - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
geograph 3281453 by David Anstiss - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
Dutch gable ornate - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
gable repair plans 2 - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
listed building stone repairs - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
ornate gable repairs - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London
Grade II Listed Dutch Gable Repairs
Ornate Stone Dutch Gable Repairs
Structural Repairs for Grade II Gable
Structural Repairs for Victorian Dutch Gable
Victorian Gable Wall Repairs
simple horizontal - Grade 2 Listed Gable Stabilisation in SW London

Repairs to Failing Grade II Dutch Gables

Kingsway Square in Battersea, South West London is a Grade II listed building, formerly known as Mountfield Mansions, it formed part of Westminster College. Designed by E. W. Mountford in the late 1800s, it is an impressive building packed with architectural details.

The Victorian era Dutch gables, composed of red brick and ornate stonework were structurally unsafe and at risk of collapse. A sympathetic structural repair solution was required that could restore structural integrity without compromising the beauty of the facade.

The Structural Problem

Inspection of the Dutch gables walls that feature in this grade 2 listed building revealed that they had failed structurally. The masonry could be manually rocked and was leaning and at risk of collapse. Cracks were evident in the gable masonry and stonework. The masonry of the gable walls required urgent realignment and strengthening.

Traditional building methods would require deconstruction and rebuilding each gable wall. This would obviously have entailed substantial inconvenience to the residents as well as additional costs for internal redecoration. A cost-effective, long-term structural repair was required.

Due to internal concerns, one of the residents also required a tailor-made solution that used exterior steel fixings.

As with many buildings that AWT is called in to repair, there was evidence of previous structural repairs. Patress/anchor plates were visible on the brickwork but they had failed to address the root causes of the unstable gable masonry.

The Structural Repair Solution

AWT provided a bespoke structural repair solution to reinforce the gable walls. AWT’s unique skill set and proven experience were invaluable on such a delicate project.

The consulting structural engineers recommended the most appropriate remedial solution would be to install Cintec anchors vertically through the top of the stone and extending at least as far below the rafter line as the stonework extends above it.

A custom diamond drilling rig was required to allow precision drilling through over 3m of stone and brickwork at the apex of the gables. The Cintec sock anchors were then installed.

Cintech sock anchors consist of a stainless steel rod in a mesh sleeve. The anchor is installed deep into the masonry by the use of precision drilling techniques. The sleeve is then filled with a specially designed cementitious grout. This provides a mechanical and chemical bond between the masonry and the anchor that restores structural strength. The small diameter drill holes required for Cintech sock anchors are filled with color-matched mortar to provide a virtually invisible repair.

In contrast to long, drawn-out rebuilding work, Cintech sock anchors provide a highly efficient repair method. This technology also removes the need to use visible fixings such as pattress/anchor plates.

Four lateral restraints were also installed on each side of the gables to restore structural integrity and restrain the masonry. These stainless steel lateral restraints screw directly into the timber rafters and are resin bonded to the masonry to provide a long-lasting structural reinforcement of the gable walls.

Special Request Alternative Repair Solution

For the resident that requested exterior steel fixings a bespoke, Y-shaped frame was fabricated. This was fitted out of sight, to the rear of the gable masonry, ensuring it did not interfere with the lightning conductors on the gable.

The AWT team carefully cut away the protruding moulding at the rear of the gable to provide a flat surface. The bracket was then fixed in place with stainless steel resin bonded fixings. The finished repair provided a long-term structural repair without compromising the beauty of the Victorian gable masonry.

AWT provides cost-effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural issues. Our specialist repair techniques make us the ideal choice for projects involving listed and heritage buildings. 

We work together with structural engineers, architects and project managers to find economical and effective solutions. We operate not only in London but across the whole of the South East of England.

To book a time for one of our surveyors to visit your property or to discuss your requirements, call us today on 01227 721255, email us at or use our contact form to get in touch.

Failing Bay During Window Replacement

Bay Window Repairs During Fitting of New Windows

This period property in Southfields, South West London had failing bay window masonry. The old sash windows had been removed but fitting of the new windows revealed the bay window was unstable and out of alignment. Without professional structural repairs this would result in the collapse of the bay window masonry.

SW London Bay Repairs - Failing Bay During Window Replacement

The Structural Problem

As with many Victorian/Edwardian properties, issues with the bay windows became apparent during the fitting of replacement windows. New box sash windows were being installed but the surrounding masonry was clearly out of alignment. Repairs were necessary before the replacement window work could be fully completed.

This property in London, SW18, had visible cracking and dropping to the front bay window masonry. The bay had lost the internal brickwork support during the removal of the old box sash windows. Cracking of the first floor masonry lintel components and rendered brickwork were clearly visible. The original internal supports at the head of the bay window structure had been removed together with the original box sash windows.

The combination of inadequate restraining, ageing and the removal of the structural supports to the first floor during the replacement of the original window frames left the bay window unstable. Without suitable structural repairs the bay window was in danger of collapse.

The Structural Repair Solution

To reinstate stability, the bay window structure required the internal supports to be reinstated plus reinforcement of the masonry. Temporary supports were installed to the underside of the first floor front bay window masonry lintel. All the debris was removed from the crack and the lintel was lifted into a more level line with the adjacent brickwork.


Bed joint reinforcement beaming, grout tie injection, resin bonded ties, steel lintels and columns and some masonry repairs were all required. The formation of continuous beams within the existing masonry redistributed the upper storey loads to the supporting structure below while also assisting in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging tendencies. A bespoke steel box lintel frame supported on steel box columns was also fixed to the inside of the masonry columns.

The specialist techniques used by Action Wall Ties installed all the stainless steel fixings within the masonry leaving no visible fixings. Once the area had been redecorated the bay window looked as good as new.

AWT provide cost effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural faults including bay window reinforcement, realignment and lintel repairs. We operate not only in SW London but across the whole of London and the South East of England.

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

To book a time for one of our surveyors to visit your property or to discuss your requirements, call us today on 01227 721255, email us at or use our contact form to get in touch.

Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels

Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels

Concrete boot lintels to window openings were in common use in the 1970s and have the unique appearance of a visible one course high concrete toe that appears not to have any bearing onto the adjacent brickwork (i.e. the visible concrete toe is in between the brickwork reveals).

case study 5731d180dbaee7.98927637 - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels


Many low rise blocks from the 60s and 70s develop defects that require concrete boot lintel repairs due to cracks, gaps and sagging brickwork above the windows. Failure to address these issues promptly can lead to dangerous, collapsing masonry as well as extensive damage to internal walls.

AWT are able to provide long term, cost-effective boot lintel repairs with minimal disruption to residents.

Concrete Boot Lintel Problems

Boot lintel gaps cracks rotation - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
Boot Lintel stepped cracks - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
Boot Lintel gaps - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
Boot Lintel compression - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
Rotating Boot Lintel Causing Gaps & Cracks
Stepped Cracks Due To Failing Boot Lintel
Gaps Above Concrete Boot Lintel
Boot Lintel Defect Causing Compression Cracks
svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIHdpZHRoPSIzMiIgaGVpZ2h0PSIzMiIgdmlld0JveD0iMCAwIDMyIDMyIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGZpbGw9IiNmZmZmZmYiIG9wYWNpdHk9IjAuOCIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIgogICAgICAgICAgZD0iTTE4Ljk5NTggOC45OTA3YzAtLjQyNC0uMjA0LS43MjMtLjYxLS44OTgtLjQwOS0uMTczLS43NzItLjEwNC0xLjA5My4yMDlsLTcuMDA2IDYuOTc1Yy0uMjAxLjE5OS0uMjk3LjQzNy0uMjg2LjcxNiAwIC4yNjcuMDk2LjQ5OC4yODYuNjg5bDcuMDA2IDcuMDAxYy4zMjEuMzIxLjY4NC4zODkgMS4wOTMuMjA5LjQwNi0uMTc0LjYxLS40ODIuNjEtLjkyMlY4Ljk5MDd6Ii8+Cjwvc3ZnPg== - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
svg+xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iMzIiIGhlaWdodD0iMzIiIHZpZXdCb3g9IjAgMCAzMiAzMiIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj4KICAgIDxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0xMiA4Ljk5YzAtLjQyMy4yMDQtLjcyMi42MS0uODk3LjQwOC0uMTczLjc3Mi0uMTA0IDEuMDkyLjIxbDcuMDA2IDYuOTc0Yy4yMDIuMi4yOTguNDM3LjI4Ny43MTYgMCAuMjY3LS4wOTYuNDk4LS4yODcuNjlsLTcuMDA2IDdjLS4zMi4zMi0uNjg0LjM5LTEuMDkyLjIxLS40MDYtLjE3NS0uNjEtLjQ4My0uNjEtLjkyM1Y4Ljk5eiIKICAgICAgICAgIGZpbGw9IiNmZmZmZmYiIG9wYWNpdHk9IjAuOCIgZmlsbC1ydWxlPSJldmVub2RkIi8+Cjwvc3ZnPg== - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels

As shown in the gallery, in the 60s and 70s, many concrete boot lintels were incorrectly fitted onto unsuitable bearing allowing the lintel to rotate and the supported brickwork to drop and crack.

This fundamental flaw in the installation of concrete boot lintels means that the weight of the heavier brick outer skin is too great for the relatively soft and lightweight inner blocks to support. The lintel rotates, causing gaps to open up, compressing the blocks of the inner wall and causing the outer brickwork to sag.

Common symptoms of boot lintel problems:

  • Cracks in the visible part of the concrete lintel
  • Stepped cracks in the brickwork above windows/doors
  • Dropping of the brickwork above windows/doors
  • Bulging or bowing brickwork above windows/doors
  • Cracks in the internal walls and ceilings above windows/doors
  • Warped window/door frames making them difficult to open and close

Chris Nichols explains, “This type of lintel has no bearing onto the external brickwork the concrete lintel rarely fails. (As with any concrete the toe of a boot lintel can be affected by corroding reinforcing bars and require concrete repairs.) The boot lintel is reliant on the bearing onto the internal skin. The internal skin bearing the lintel should be of a material capable of withstanding and spreading the load (e.g. pad stone concrete blocks or engineering bricks). “

“In many cases the lintel was bedded directly onto lightweight blocks that are unable to take the imposed load and compress the outer edge of the bearing, rotating the lintel and allowing the external brickwork above to crack and drop as described in BRE Good Building Guide 1.”

simple horizontal - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
case 55 a - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
case 55 d - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
case 55 b - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
case 55 c - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
case 55 e - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels
Cracking Concrete Boot Lintels
Gaps & Cracks Above Concrete Boot Lintel
Gaps & Cracks Around Concrete Window Lintels
Rotated Boot Lintel Causing Gaps
Boot Lintel Problems Due To Incorrect Installation
simple horizontal - Fixing Cracking Above Concrete Boot Lintels

Concrete Boot Lintel Repairs

Action Wall Ties provide a cost-effective, long term solution that retains the existing appearance of the brickwork with the minimum disruption to the occupants and the environment.

Action Wall Ties have developed a remedial system and methods, including specifically designed equipment, to remedy the problem of cracked concrete boot lintels. Action Wall Ties slightly anti-rotate the lintels back in place, drilling for and then resin bonding 16mm stainless steel shear pins to both end bearings. Once the resin bonded fixings are set the props are released, pre-loading the shear pins, thus reducing any further cracking.

To larger openings and with advanced movement it may be necessary to introduce two rows of twin cord reinforcement, forming a composite deep masonry beam. To the underside of the concrete toe, we drill for and inject grouted 8mm helical stainless steel pins passing into the line of the deep masonry beam to arrest any further rotation of the concrete lintel.

Action Wall Ties concrete boot lintel repair and replacement solutions are available to clients in London and the South East.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, lintel repairs, replacing a damaged lintels, and providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. We work with home owners, London boroughs, social housing providers, architects, project managers, local authorities and insurance companies.

Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Victorian two-storey bay window with bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches – realignment, bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, reinforcement to the brickwork columns and grout ties and concrete repairs to masonry cill

case study 56e19a0041f610.58831797 - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The subject building was a traditionally built mid-terraced domestic Victorian/Edwardian house in South London on two floors below a pitched tiled roof.

Bowing brickwork piers and cracking, dropping and sagging of the structure around the bay window required urgent attention. Using equipment and methods designed by Action Wall Ties, the bay window was reinforced and repaired.

Detailed Case Study


Action Wall Ties’ investigation reported distortion and distress with localised cracking to ground floor, external spandrel brickwork and cracking and dropped key stones to the brick arches.

case 8 a - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The slender brickwork columns to the ground floor had bowed outwards leaving a bow shaped space between the timber box window frame and the brickwork column that has been repeatedly re-pointed.

case 8 b - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

case 8 c - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The bay window has a very large overhanging cill with supporting corbelled knees.


Action Wall Ties reported that the movement noted was considered to be progressive due to a combination of ageing and ineffective restraining of the slender brickwork columns and rotational effect of the overhanging cills, causing the bowing out of the columns and the arches to spread, crack and drop – cracking the supported spandrel brickwork above.

Structural repair solution

Our remedial scheme involved the introduction of bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, reinforcement to the brickwork columns and grout tie injections, together with concrete repairs to masonry cill, all to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and provide restraint.

We provided temporary support to the underside of the ground floor brick arch key stones, removed the debris from the cracks and lifted the stones/arch back into a more level line with the adjacent brickwork.

case 8 d - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

As indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal 1, we introduced two rows of twin stainless steel corded joint reinforcement, forming a deep masonry composite beam.

As indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal 1, the beam reconnected the bay window elevational brickwork, and this was accomplished with AWT designed equipment enabling us to diamond drill through each elevation and chase into the main elevational brickwork and install a grouted helical bar.

The formation of continuous beams within the existing masonry should redistribute the upper storey loads, to a large extent, to those parts of the supporting structure, below which are best able to carry them while at the same time assisting in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging tendencies.

As indicated with yellow stars on our proposal 1, in conjunction with the beams, we drilled for, and screwed direct into the timber floor joists, 8mm stainless steel lateral restraints – all resin bonded to the masonry.

As indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal 1, to assist in alleviating the rotation affect from the large cills we installed grout ties vertically, drilling for and injecting a grouted 8mm helical bar.

As indicated with blue parallel lines on our proposal 1, we introduced a purpose fabricated steel reinforcing post, fitted and fixed to the inside of the brickwork columns, fixed with stainless steel resin bonded fixings.

case 8 e - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in South London and Kent. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

1930s style low-rise apartment blocks

1930s style low-rise apartment blocks in London

An estate of 1930s style low-rise blocks of apartments with defective balustrade walls (half-brick thick) to access deck and private balconies – AWT’s remedial scheme – remedial restraint posts, removal of the existing reinforcing rebars.

case study 56e19a6488aa69.06564038 - 1930s style low-rise apartment blocks

The subject buildings are 1930s style low-rise blocks of apartments, conventionally built of solid brickwork and concrete floors, with open access decks and private balconies.

Structural Problems

• Visible cracking and previous repairs (in a similar pattern) were noted to the balustrade half-brick thick walls.

• Generally the brickwork and pointing was found to be in good condition, with little spalled pointing and bricks noted. Previous repairs to the access decks and private balconies balustrade half-brick thick walls in a similar pattern were noted.

• All access decks and a representative sample of private balcony balustrade walls were inspected and scanned, locating the reinforcing bar position. Some bars were uncovered, inspected and photographed. In the main, previous repairs correspond to the pattern of the existing reinforcing bars.

• The reinforcing bars uncovered were the old ½ inch rebar bent up from the concrete slab and built into the centre of the brickwork up to, and possibly into, the cast in-situ concrete coping.

case 16 a - 1930s style low-rise apartment blocks


The existing half brick balustrade walls contained mild steel reinforcing bars. From our investigations it was apparent the damage to the brickwork (cracking/spalling/previous repairs) resulted from the expansive corrosion of these bars which reduced the effectiveness of the bar, especially at the asphalt tuck line leaving the wall vulnerable to failure represent a safety issue.

case 16 b - 1930s style low-rise apartment blocks

The reinforcing bars viewed had corroded, delaminated and expanded, rendering the bars ineffective. The half-brick thick balustrade wall’s stability is dependent on the reinforcing.

case 16 c - 1930s style low-rise apartment blocks

Wrought iron decorative panels, built in lugs viewed, assessed to be corroded, delaminated and expanded, lifting and cracking the brickwork.

Stuctural Repair Solution

AWT have previously successfully completed remedial schemes to ameliorate similar defects at many other blocks.

AWT’s remedial scheme involved the development of methods and the design of equipment to enable us to undertake the remedial reinforcement, installing restraint posts, expansion joints, removal of the existing reinforcing rebars and thereafter make good the brickwork to the balustrade walls, to the access decks and to the private balconies.

The remedial scheme also alleviated the need for the removal and replacement of the balustrade walls, along with all the associated problems that this would have entailed for the occupants with the added benefits of a considerable cost saving and resulting impact on the environment.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in Kent, London and Surrey. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.



1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

An estate of 1930s style low-rise blocks of apartments with balustrade wall defects – corroding mild steel balusters cracking masonry to half-brick thick balustrade walls – removal of the baluster embedded into the coping stone and brickwork,case study 56e19a8525f9e9.55425313 - 1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

The subject buildings are 1930s low-rise blocks of apartments in London, of conventional brick and filler joists construction, with open access decks and private balconies.

The Structural Problem

Cracking and dislodging of the brickwork and coping stones to the balustrade walls of the private balconies was reported and noted.


Action Wall Ties investigated the defects and reported that the causation was found to be due to expanding corrosion of the handrails mild steel supporting balusters built into the masonry.

case 19 a - 1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

The corrosion of the embedded mild steel results in the formation of ferrous oxide that expands to several times the thickness of the metal it has resulted from, thus breaking out of the brickwork splitting bed joints and lifting of the brickwork.

case 19 b - 1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

Structural repair solution

case 19 c - 1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

Action Wall Ties remediation involved cutting the baluster at the coping stone line, removal of the baluster embedded into the copping stone and brickwork, and completing repairs to the brickwork and coping stone. AWT re-drilled holes down into the walls for grout and designed all the necessary stainless steel fixing plates, thereafter welding the original baluster to a fixing plate.

case 19 d - 1930s style low-rise apartments with balustrade wall defect repairs

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in Kent, London, Surrey and Essex. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Balustrade wall defects

Balutrade wall defects in West London

An estate of 1930s style low-rise blocks of apartments in West London with balustrade wall defects – remedial restraint posts to walkway balustrade walls, cutting expansion joints

case study 56e19a8f41e004.53961310 1 - Balustrade wall defects

The subject building is part of an estate of 1930s style low-rise blocks of apartments in West London of conventional brick and filler joists built construction with open access decks and private balconies.

Problems with cracks in the Balustrade walls

This very large building is curved with convex walkway balustrade walls.

Outward stepping at the base of the walls, together with outward leaning and cracking of the brickwork and coping stones to the walkways’ balustrade walls, was reported and noted.


Action Wall Ties investigated the defects and reported that the causation was found to be due to seasonal moisture, thermal expansion and contraction i.e. hygrothermal movement.

The expansion had pushed the walls outwards, in some cases stepping out the base of the wall and the wall leaned outwards.

Structural repair solution

Action Wall Ties remediation works are designed to provide a cost effective long term repair solution, ameliorating the defects noted, that retains the existing appearance with the minimum effect to the occupants and impact on the environment.

case 20 a - Balustrade wall defects

To stabilise the balustrade wall Action Wall Ties completed remediation, involving cutting expansion (movement) joints and the design fabrication and fixing of restraint posts.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair to balustrade wall cracking and problems, by providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in the Kent and London areas. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Structurally Unstable Period Property

Structurally Unstable Period Property

Victorian / Edwardian property in Harrow, Greater London, saved from partial demolition and rebuild.

case study 58dd0a549b8da4.65274980 - Structurally Unstable Period Property

This period property in North West London was saved from partial demolition and rebuild by our specialist structural repair techniques and solutions.

The Structural Problems

Slender brick columns between the front windows were severely bowing outwards.

The masonry above the windows was dropping and sagging. The gable wall above was leaning inwards and had started to collapse.

Bowing brick columns 4 - Structurally Unstable Period Property

There was evidence of previous attempts at repairs by traditional builders.

The building had been deemed structurally unstable and was unoccupied. Standard building contractors has proposed demolishing the affected areas and rebuilding. This process would be lengthy and costly.

Demolition and rebuilding would have destroyed much of the ornate brickwork and altered the character of the property. A partial rebuild of the property would also have entailed removing all the internal finishings from the affected areas which would add to the costs.

Click on the gallery below to see how far out of alignment the brick columns were.

The brick columns around the windows of this Victorian / Edwardian property had rusting metal fixings within the brickwork. This is a common cause of cracking and bowing in brickwork.

The slender support columns were visibly bowing causing structural instability in the brickwork above.

The brickwork of the gable above was leaning in and was only being held in place by the internal roof rafter. Some of the brickwork had collapsed inwards leaving a hole in the wall.

Apex 4 - Structurally Unstable Period Property

Structural Repair Solution

Specialist equipment designed by Action Wall Ties was employed to firstly retain the columns to allow the removal of the corroded fixings and debris then realign the columns back to inline before installing new stainless steel fixings to reinstate the structural integrity of the masonry.

Specialist hydraulic rams developed by Action Wall Ties were used to gradually realign the thin brickwork columns. Custom made stainless steel fixings were then installed to strengthen and stabilise the masonry.

Replacement bricks, where necessary, were colour matched to the existing bricks. In areas where the mortar was disturbed repointing was carried out using colour matched mortar.

Long Lasting Structural Repairs

The precisely targeted repairs carried out by Action Wall Ties preserved the decorative brickwork of this Victorian / Edwardian property. The repair works were substantially cheaper and faster than the proposed rebuild. In contrast with rebuilding, the precision techniques used by Action Wall Ties left the internal finishings of the property virtually unscathed.

Action Wall Ties offer structural repair services to period properties for clients in the South East – in London & in Surrey, Kent, Sussex & Essex.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in repairs to period properties with bespoke solutions avoiding the need to demolish and rebuild. We also offer professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Large Panel System Remedial Works

Large Panel System Remedial Works

Action Wall Ties has a long history of working with many Large Panel System high rise blocks (LPS blocks). Working closely with structural engineers, AWT can install differing options of upper floor reinforcing / tying together as well as tying of the sandwich panels with AWT designed incline pins and mullions fixings for LPS panels.

case study 5b62ed5e948159.52637073 - Large Panel System Remedial Works

LPS Structural Problem

Brodick House is a 22 floor large panel system high rise block in Tower Hamlets, East London. As with many tower blocks built using the large panel system, the structure required remedial work to ensure its structural integrity.

LPS Remedial Work

Remedial works included:

  • Cintec Cementitious Sock Anchors
  • Remedial Corridor Reinforcing Angles
  • Remedial Spandrel Panel Tie Back Fixing

Action Wall Ties have extensive experience in defects commonly associated with LPS buildings. Working closely with main contractors and structural engineers, repair strategies have been developed that include strengthening ties, internal steel work and fixings, external stainless steel plates, brackets, and panel ties.

Brodick guauge - Large Panel System Remedial Works

We have also developed tying methods for the sandwich panels. This work is always undertaken with care and attention to detail by highly skilled operatives using specially designed equipment.

Action Wall Ties used purpose manufactured dollies to transport and position the corridor reinforcing steel angles. AWT designed lifting cradles were used to lift the angles and fixed them in place.

Two coats of water based intumescent paint were also applied to provide one hour fire protection.

Long Lasting Structural Repairs

The remedial work was designed to be cost effective and long lasting. The photos below show the block 15 years after completion of the works. This illustrates the quality and permanence of AWT’s structural repair techniques.

Councils and housing associations can rely on AWT to provide efficient, cost effective, high quality structural repairs. AWT ensure all repairs are carried out following the guidelines provided by the British Standards Institution and the Building Research Establishment Specification Digest.

Greater London, Essex, Sussex and Kent are all covered by the professional services of Action Wall Ties.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in LPS remediation, reinforcement and repair of tower blocks. We provide professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems encountered with high rise buildings. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

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