Dropped failing lintel on Victorian semi

Dropped failing lintel on Victorian semi

Victorian semi-detached house with dropped failing lintel – introduction of bed joint reinforcement, resin bonded ties

case study 56e199aa5036f5.60583150 - Dropped failing lintel on Victorian semi

The building was a substantial traditionally built semi-detached domestic residence set out over two floors below a pitched tiled roof.


Signs of distortion and dropping to the brick arches, along with some cracking to the brickwork above. Previous attempts to repair the symptoms were noted to the rear ground and first floor fenestration openings.


The movement noted was clearly progressive, due to a combination of ageing, seasonal moisture, thermal expansion and contraction (i.e. hygrothermal) and inadequate restraining.


AWT’s Remedial scheme involved the introduction of bed joint reinforcement beaming and lintel repairs to add tensile strength, thus reinstating the brickwork’s integrity and the uniformity of the wall. After installation, pointing was raked out, reinstated and tinted to match the existing (see coloured remedial works on our proposal picture).

case 2 a - Dropped failing lintel on Victorian semi

1. Bed joint reinforcement:
We introduced two rows of twin 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcement, forming a deep masonry beam – as indicated by red double dotted lines on our proposal images.

2. Fenestration lintel repair:
To the underside of the fenestration openings head we drilled for, and injected, grouted 8mm helical stainless steel pins through the brick arch and into the line of the deep masonry beam – as indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal images.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.


Bowing brickwork on Victorian semi

Bowing brickwork on Victorian semi

Victorian mid-terrace house rear addition bowing and dropping brickwork – stabilisation, bed joint reinforcement beaming, crack stitching, fenestration lintel repair, grouted tie and lateral restraints

case study 56e199b5a11814.78242588 - Bowing brickwork on Victorian semi

The subject building was a traditionally built Victorian mid-terrace domestic residence, consisting of three floors below a pitched tiled roof.


Signs of distortion and distress, with localised cracking, were noted to the far external gable wall of the rear addition – along with cracked and dropped brick arches to the first and second floor level. Previous repairs of old tie bars with patress plates, large steel straps, rebuilding and re-pointing were noted, indicating a history of movement.

A significant outward bulge to the side elevation at first floor level with localised cracking was also noted, as was significant downward movement at the rear doorway with all brickwork leaning towards that point.


The movement noted was attributed to subsidence, which may well be historic as internal redecoration shows no sign of cracking. Under these circumstances we did not consider that underpinning was warranted at this stage. Our pragmatic solution was to reinforce and tie back the building by using a combination of bed joint reinforcement and lateral restraints into the first floor construction to reinstate structural integrity.


AWT’s remedial scheme was the introduction of bed joint reinforcement beaming, crack stitching, fenestration lintel repair, grout tie injection and lateral restraints – adding tensile strength and restraint and thus reinstating the brickwork’s integrity and the uniformity of the wall. After installation, pointing was raked out, reinstated and tinted to match the existing.

case 3 a - Bowing brickwork on Victorian semi

1. Reinforcement:
We introduced two rows of twin 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcement to form a deep masonry beam – as indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal images.

2. Grout tie injection:
We drilled into the party wall and bent into the hole one of the grouted 8mm stainless steel cords – as indicated with red stars on our proposal images.

3. Lintel repair:
To the underside of the fenestration openings head we drilled for and injected grouted 8mm helical stainless steel pins through the brick arch and passed into the line of the deep masonry beam installed within the existing masonry – as indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal images.

4. Crack stitching:
We stitched localised cracks with the introduction of single 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcement – as indicated with red single dotted lines on our proposal images.

5. Lateral restraints:
In conjunction with the beam, we introduced 8mm stainless steel lateral restraints screwed directly into the timber floor joists’ end grain or into the side grain, all resin bonded to the masonry – as indicated with yellow stars on our proposal images.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.


Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

Victorian Property: Crack Stitching & Lintel Repair

Extensive superstructure reconnection and reinforcement after underpinning for a Victorian house in North West London.

case study 56e199c6599876.58043227 - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

The subject building was a substantial Victorian traditionally built semi-detached domestic house in London, NW3.

The Structural Problem

Click on the gallery images below to see the full extent of the damage caused by the structural issues. Evidence of previous, unsuccessful attempts to fix the structural issues by traditional building techniques can also be seen.

Signs of distortion and distress were noted, with localised cracked and dropped brick arches to the first and second floor levels of the square bay.

Significant cracking was noted to the external brickwork running from and to the ground, first and second floor window openings. The brick arch was missing from the first floor window and distortion, cracking and dropping were noted to the ground and second floor arches. The first and second floor window openings had temporary supports.


The movement noted was attributed to subsidence. Downward movement had allowed the brick arch to spread and drop and the brickwork to crack. The downward movement had been addressed by a recently completed underpinning scheme. Some de-bonding of the brickwork was also noted.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

The Structural Repair Solution

case 4 c - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

1. Bed joint reinforcement:
We introduced two rows of twin cord reinforcement, forming a deep masonry beam – as indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal images.

2. Lintel repair:
To the underside of the fenestration openings head we drilled for, and injected, grouted 8mm helical stainless steel pins through the brick arch, passing into the line of the deep masonry beam installed within the existing masonry – as indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal images.

3. Bay window repair:
To form a beam and reconnect the bay window elevational brickwork, we diamond-drilled a 20mm hole through each elevation, chased into the main elevation and injected grouted 8mm helical bars – as indicated with green horizontal parallel lines on our proposal images.

4. Crack stitching:
To stitch localised cracks we introduced single 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcement – as indicated with red single dotted lines on our proposal images.

5. Wall ties to de-bonding brickwork:
To brickwork within the beamed area and arches, where brickwork was believed to be de-bonding, we drilled for and resin bonded 6mm stainless steel remedial ties and re-pointed disturbed areas with a sand and cement mixture.

case 4 d - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

Signs of distortion and distress, with localised cracking, were noted to the external brickwork to the front entrance archway bridge, along with cracked voussoirs and the dropping of the brick arch and outward movement.

6. Resin bonded ties:
To stabilise the brickwork archway bridge, we introduced truss ties. To form the truss we drilled a 14mm hole at 45 degrees to the required depth, opened the entrance hole to 18mm, resin bonded 10mm stainless steel threaded rods, drilled a horizontal 14mm hole to the required depth, inserted the 10mm stainless steel threaded rods, fixed nuts and washers, resin bonded to the inner wall, tightened nuts to both sides and resin bonded to the outer brickwork.

case 4 e - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair

7. Making good and pointing:
We raked out the existing mortar and repaired with new coloured sand and cement mortar to approximately 20mm in depth. AWT operatives are highly skilled in traditional building methods and always attempt to match replacement bricks, pointing styles and mortar colour to be sympathetic with the existing building.

High Quality Structural Repairs

The photos below show the property 14 years after the work was completed. The high quality structural repairs carried out by AWT are designed to last. Unlike traditional building repairs, our techniques get to the root cause of structural defects.

Victorian bay window repairs c4 - Victorian Crack Stitching and Lintel Repair


Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in Victorian properties in London, Kent and the whole of SE England. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

Victorian property in Hampstead, NW3. Three-storey bay windows with pulling away outward movement, dropping brickwork (all with previous failing repairs) and bowing side flank wall. Repaired using bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, crack stitching, and resin bonded ties.

case study 56e199d5b84726.15696458 - Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

The subject building was a substantial Victorian end-of-terrace domestic residence in North West London.

Structural Problems

Outward movement to the gable wall, patress plates and tie bars were noted, which indicated that a previous attempt to restrain the outward movement had been made. No significant cracking was noted. Also, a steel band to the front bay window on the first and second floors was found to be heavily corroded and delaminating.


The movement noted is progressive, attributable to historic subsidence (downward movement) compounded by outward movement due to ineffective or inadequate restraining to the main elevational walls and the bay window, allowing the brick arch to spread and drop and the brickwork above to crack.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

Structural Solutions

AWT’s remedial scheme was to introduce bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, crack stitching and resin bonded ties – adding tensile strength and restraint and thus reinstating the brickwork’s integrity and the uniformity of the wall.

After installation, pointing was raked out, reinstated and tinted to match the existing (see coloured remedial works on our proposal picture).

case 5 a - Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

case 5 b - Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

1. Bed joint reinforcement:
The introduction of two rows of twin cord reinforcement, forming a deep masonry beam – as indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal images.

2. Lateral restraints:
In conjunction with the beam, 8mm stainless steel lateral restraints were introduced and screwed directly into the timber floor joists’ end grain or into the side grain, all resin bonded to the masonry – as indicated with yellow stars on our proposal images.

3. Crack stitching:
To stitch localised cracks, single 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcements were introduced – as indicated with red single dotted lines on our proposal images.

4. Wall ties to de-bonding brickwork:
Wherever possible, we drilled for and resin bonded 6mm stainless steel remedial ties to the centre of a brick. We then re-pointed the disturbed areas with a coloured sand and cement mixture – as indicated with blue line on our proposal plan images.

5. Making good and pointing:
We then raked out the existing mortar and repaired with new coloured sand and cement mortar to approximately 20mm in depth.

AWT operatives are highly skilled in traditional building methods and always attempt to match replacement bricks, pointing styles and mortar colour to be sympathetic with the existing building.

High Quality Structural Repairs

The photo below shows the completed structural repairs 14 years after the project was completed. Unlike the previous repairs by traditional builders, AWT’s structural repair techniques got to the root of the problem.

AWT provide long lasting, cost effective structural repairs so you can enjoy your home.

Bed joint beaming - Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming

Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) based in Kent are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair covering London, Kent and the whole South East area. AWT provide professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Victorian two-storey bay window with bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches – realignment, bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, reinforcement to the brickwork columns and grout ties and concrete repairs to masonry cill

case study 56e19a0041f610.58831797 - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The subject building was a traditionally built mid-terraced domestic Victorian/Edwardian house in South London on two floors below a pitched tiled roof.

Bowing brickwork piers and cracking, dropping and sagging of the structure around the bay window required urgent attention. Using equipment and methods designed by Action Wall Ties, the bay window was reinforced and repaired.

Detailed Case Study


Action Wall Ties’ investigation reported distortion and distress with localised cracking to ground floor, external spandrel brickwork and cracking and dropped key stones to the brick arches.

case 8 a - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The slender brickwork columns to the ground floor had bowed outwards leaving a bow shaped space between the timber box window frame and the brickwork column that has been repeatedly re-pointed.

case 8 b - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

case 8 c - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

The bay window has a very large overhanging cill with supporting corbelled knees.


Action Wall Ties reported that the movement noted was considered to be progressive due to a combination of ageing and ineffective restraining of the slender brickwork columns and rotational effect of the overhanging cills, causing the bowing out of the columns and the arches to spread, crack and drop – cracking the supported spandrel brickwork above.

Structural repair solution

Our remedial scheme involved the introduction of bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints, reinforcement to the brickwork columns and grout tie injections, together with concrete repairs to masonry cill, all to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and provide restraint.

We provided temporary support to the underside of the ground floor brick arch key stones, removed the debris from the cracks and lifted the stones/arch back into a more level line with the adjacent brickwork.

case 8 d - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

As indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal 1, we introduced two rows of twin stainless steel corded joint reinforcement, forming a deep masonry composite beam.

As indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal 1, the beam reconnected the bay window elevational brickwork, and this was accomplished with AWT designed equipment enabling us to diamond drill through each elevation and chase into the main elevational brickwork and install a grouted helical bar.

The formation of continuous beams within the existing masonry should redistribute the upper storey loads, to a large extent, to those parts of the supporting structure, below which are best able to carry them while at the same time assisting in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging tendencies.

As indicated with yellow stars on our proposal 1, in conjunction with the beams, we drilled for, and screwed direct into the timber floor joists, 8mm stainless steel lateral restraints – all resin bonded to the masonry.

As indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal 1, to assist in alleviating the rotation affect from the large cills we installed grout ties vertically, drilling for and injecting a grouted 8mm helical bar.

As indicated with blue parallel lines on our proposal 1, we introduced a purpose fabricated steel reinforcing post, fitted and fixed to the inside of the brickwork columns, fixed with stainless steel resin bonded fixings.

case 8 e - Bowing brickwork piers and dropping arches

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems in South London and Kent. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Edwardian bay window cracking

Edwardian bay window cracking

Edwardian round bay window cracking & dropping brickwork arches – bed joint reinforcement beaming, fenestration lintel repairs and to install resin bonded ties

case study 56e19a1535a499.19441067 - Edwardian bay window cracking

The subject building is a substantial, traditionally-built, Edwardian building on two floors below a pitched tiled roof.

This period property required sympathetic treatment by Action Wall Ties’ specialised staff. Cracking and dropping brickwork was stabilised with stainless steel bed joint reinforcement and wall ties. The round structures and brick arches were reinforced and the surrounding structure made good, in keeping with the appearance of the property.

Detailed Case Study

Structural defects

Action Wall Ties investigated and reported varying stages of distortion, cracking and dropping of brick arches, along with some cracking to the brickwork above, together with many previous attempts of repairs to the round bay windows.

case 9 a - Edwardian bay window cracking

case 9 b - Edwardian bay window cracking


Action Wall Ties reported that the movement noted was believed to be progressive due to a combination of ageing, seasonal moisture, thermal expansion and contraction (i.e. hygrothermal) resulting in ineffective support from the existing arches allowing the brick arch to spread and drop, allowing the brickwork above to crack.

Solution for the structural repairs

A long term, cost-effective solution was provided by Action Wall Ties’ highly skilled operatives. The existing appearance of this period property was carefully maintained. The works were designed to minimise disruption to the building’s occupants and minimise any impact on the environment.

Our remedial scheme involved introducing bed joint reinforcement beaming, fenestration lintel repairs and to install resin bonded ties to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and provide restraint.

case 9 c - Edwardian bay window cracking

As indicated with red double dotted lines on our proposal 1 and 2, we introduced two rows of twin stainless steel corded joint reinforcement, forming a deep masonry composite beam all around the bay.

As indicated with green parallel lines on our proposal 1 and 2, to the underside of the fenestration openings head we drilled for, and installed, either grouted or driven 9mm helical stainless steel pins through the brick arch and passed them into the line of the deep masonry beam installed within the existing masonry.

As indicated with red stars on our proposal 1, we drilled for, and resin bonded, new 9mm stainless steel remedial ties and re-pointed disturbed areas.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair in London and Kent, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems and defects. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Victorian mid-terrace bay window repair

Victorian mid-terrace bay window repair

Victorian mid-terrace house bay window generic repair. Victorian mid-terrace house – Generic subsidence and cracking bay window repair

case study 56e297ccee0e66.12873211 2 - Victorian mid-terrace bay window repair

This building was a traditional two-storey mid-terrace domestic residence of Victorian vintage with a pitched tiled roof.

Problem – cracked bay window

The front bay windows showed visible distortion and distress, accompanied by significant cracking to both the main brickwork and brick entrance arches, which had also dropped.

Causation – subsidence

It was clearly evident that the bay window had rotated away from the main building line, owing to subsidence. The bay window’s foundations were shallow compared with those of the main building. This situation had been exacerbated by the close proximity of a tall tree that was further desiccating the clay subsoil, though the subsidence was not deemed severe enough at the time to warrant underpinning.

Bay window repair Solution

The bay window was tied back to the main elevation using stainless steel bed joint reinforcement. This served also to beam up the brickwork and repair the cracking. In addition, the bay was tied back to the two floors behind to provide proper lateral restraint. The arch was pinned up, using stainless steel pins, and resined into the brickwork above. After installation, pointing was raked out, reinstated and tinted to match the existing (see coloured remedial works on our proposal picture).

case 10 a - Victorian mid-terrace bay window repair

Arboricultural works were undertaken on the tree (by others), to reduce the crown and accordingly lower its water demand from the underlying clay.

case 10 c - Victorian mid-terrace bay window repaircase 10 b - Victorian mid-terrace bay window repair


Read our frequently asked questions about bay window structural repairs.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems including cracked and subsided bay windows in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and London. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Victorian bay window with spreading and cracking masonry

Victorian bay window with spreading and cracking masonry

A much loved family home in South East London featuring an ornate brick and masonry Victorian bay window with spreading and cracking masonry. Diamond drilling through the brick arches and injection of grouted cords and bed joint reinforcing restored the property to its former glory.

case study 56e19c1f0e8205.70489881 - Victorian bay window with spreading and cracking masonry

This building was a traditional two-storey mid-terrace domestic residence in Blackheath, SE London, of Victorian vintage with a pitched tiled roof.

Problem – Bay Window Cracking/Dropped Arches

The front bay windows showed visible distortion and distress, accompanied by significant cracking to both main brickwork and brick entrance arches, which had also dropped.


It was clearly evident that the bay window had rotated away from the main building line, owing to subsidence.

The bay window’s foundations were shallow, compared with those of the main building.

This situation had been exacerbated by the close proximity of a tall tree that was further desiccating the clay subsoil, though the subsidence was not deemed severe enough at the time to warrant underpinning.

case 39 a - Victorian bay window with spreading and cracking masonry

Bay Window Repair Solution

The bay window was tied back to the main elevation using stainless steel bed joint reinforcement and one core installed into diamond drill holes, indicated with green lines. This served also to beam up the brickwork and repair the cracking. In addition, the bay was tied back to the two floors behind to provide proper lateral restraint.

The arch was pinned up, using stainless steel pins, and resined into the brickwork above. After installation, pointing was raked out, reinstated and tinted to match the existing (see coloured remedial works on our proposal picture).

Arboricultural works were undertaken on the tree (by others), to reduce the crown and accordingly lower its water demand from the underlying clay.

Long Lasting Structural Repairs

The gallery below shows AWT’s completed structural repairs after 15 years. This is why homeowners across the SE of England can trust AWT with their period properties. Our structural repair techniques provide long lasting, cost effective repairs that maintain the beauty of period properties.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. We have many years experience working on period properties, listed buildings and heritage structures.

For expert structural repairs in London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex please contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels, pediment and copings – diamond drilling for, and installing, grouted and Cintec ties

case study 56e19c07c925b7.93748528 - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

The subject building is a substantial Victorian traditionally-built house featuring a gable embellished with substantial supporting stone corbels, coping stones and pediment in North London.

This property required work to remedy the rotation of the supporting stone corbels and dislodged copings without detracting from the look of the property.

Action Wall Ties have highly trained staff with a wealth of experience in dealing with period properties. We used our own design of diamond drilling equipment to drill for, and install, ties strengthening the structure.

case 37 a - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Detailed Case Study

Problem: Stone Corbel Movement

The gable wall had a substantial stone corbel supporting the stone coping stones. Rotating and outward movement was noted to the stone corbel together with cracking to surrounding brickwork as well as dislodged coping stones and pediment.


Action Wall Ties’ remediation works were designed to assist in restraining the masonry to return the integrity to the structure.

case 37 b - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Stone Corbel Repair Solution

Remedial work by Action Wall Ties provided a cost effective long-term solution. The existing appearance of the building was maintained. Work was carried out with the minimal amount of disruption to residents and the environment.

case 37 c - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

case 37 d - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

The remediation works involved diamond drilling 38mm X 2000mm holes into stone corbels, and others into the pediment and stone coping, to accommodate installation of remedial Cintec 40mm sock anchors.

case 37 e - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

case 37 f - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Cintec anchors installed in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation and by Action Wall Ties’ trained certificated operatives.

case 37 g - Stabilising Victorian gable wall stone corbels

Action Wall Ties serve customers throughout the South East i.e. in Kent, Greater London, Sussex and in Essex.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems including issues with stone corbels, pediment and copings in Victorian properties. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Stabilisation of cracking and dropping brickwork arch

Stabilisation of cracking and dropping  Victorian brickwork arch

Victorian Box sash window brickwork arch defects repairs – bed joint reinforcement beaming, fenestration lintel repair and make good

case study 56e19c14421019.29613246 - Stabilisation of cracking and dropping brickwork arch

The subject building was a traditionally built Victorian house on two floors below a pitched tiled roof.

This period property required sympathetic treatment by Action Wall Ties’ specialised staff. Cracking and dropping brickwork arch was stabilised with stainless steel bed joint reinforcement and ties, together with brickwork repairs maintaining the original appearance of the property.

Detailed Case Study:
Dropping and cracked brick arches.

Structural Problems

Action Wall Ties investigated and reported distortion, cracking and dropping of brick arches, along with some cracking to the brickwork above.


Action Wall Ties reported that the movement noted was believed to be progressive due to a combination of ageing, seasonal moisture, thermal expansion and contraction (i.e. hygrothermal) resulting in ineffective support from the existing arches allowing the brick arch to spread drop and the brickwork above to crack.

Structural Repair Solution

A long-term, cost-effective solution was provided by Action Wall Ties’ highly skilled operatives. The existing appearance of this period property was carefully maintained. The works were designed to minimise the disruption to the building’s occupants and minimise the impact on the environment.

case 38 a - Stabilisation of cracking and dropping brickwork arch

Our remedial scheme involved introducing bed joint reinforcement beaming fenestration lintel repair and install resin bonded ties to reinstate the uniformity of the wall and provide restraint.

Greater London, Essex, Sussex and Kent are all covered by the professional services of Action Wall Ties.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

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