Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

Failing Victorian terraced house bay window cracking dropping subsidence – bed joint reinforcement beaming, crack stitching and brickwork repairs

case study 56e19e04eef0e6.02511679 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

Victorian bay window subsidence repair.

The subject building was a socially-owned Victorian terraced house with significant bay window cracking and rotational movement reported.

Structural engineers had been engaged and their investigation revealed the bay windows’ footing had been affected by leakage from a damaged drain and repairs instigated.

To avoid costly underpinning and new footing, the structural engineers recommended delaying any further works to allow some recovery of the underlying clay to take place.

Thereafter, they recommended that remedial works should be undertaken to include some rebuilding of the rotated brickwork at ground floor and the reconnecting and restraining of the bay window structure at ground and first floor levels with bed joint reinforcement and lateral restraints.

case 45 a - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

case 45 a 1 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

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Action Wall Ties designed and completed the remediation works

Our remedial scheme provided a viable repair by introducing bed joint reinforcement beaming, crack stitching and brickwork repairs to reinstate the uniformity of the structure.

To the basement level of the front bay window we provided temporary support and braced the brickwork columns to accommodate the deconstruction of a sufficient amount of distorted brickwork to accommodate the realignment and reconnection of brickwork and masonry elements onto the existing footing.

case 45 b - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

case 45 b 1 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

case 45 b 2 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

case 45 b 3 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

case 45 b 4 1 - Bay window cracking dropping subsidence

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems including Victorian bay window cracks and movement including subsidence and other issues in the South East (around Kent and London). Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.


Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Large cracks were clearly visible in the brickwork around the bay windows of this Victorian period property in South, London. Cracked bricks and dropping brickwork arches above the windows signalled the need for specialist structural repair work.

case study 594cf31e7587a4.44607464 - Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Bay Window Problems

Common problems with Victorian era bay window properties are dropping and sagging of the brick arches and cracked masonry. Insufficient structural strength allows the bay wall to lean away from the main building.

This Victorian period property in South London had clearly visible structural defects. Specialist structural repairs were necessary to save the decorative Victorian brickwork from eventual collapse.

Defects bay Bovill 2 - Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Expert Bay Window Repairs

Realigning cramping equipment specially developed by AWT was used to support the defective brickwork. Hydraulic rams were then employed to gradually realign the distorted masonry, using our tried and trusted methods, developed over many years working with bay window defects.

The remedial work to the dropping and sagging brickwork included:

  • Installation of stainless steel corded joint reinforcement

  • Use of AWT bespoke drilling rig with diamond tipped drills

  • Installation of stainless steel pins to reinforce the window lintels

When the repointing had been completed the beauty of the original Victorian brickwork could be fully appreciated once more.

The innovative structural repair techniques developed by AWT preserved the original facade without the need for demolition and rebuilding. The end result was a cost effective, long term solution to the problem that preserved the period features of the property.

Action Wall Ties offer structural repair services for period properties for clients in the South East, London, Kent & Surrey

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in bay window repairs to period properties with bespoke solutions including steel corded joint reinforcement. We also offer professional solutions to a wide variety of other structural issues. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Finished bay Bovill 2 - Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Finished bay Bovill 1 - Realigning Masonry on Victorian Bay Windows

Failing Bay Window Masonry

Failing Bay Window Masonry

This period property in Kent required structural repairs to the bay window masonry. Due to a combination of weathering, ageing and ineffective restraining the brickwork of the bay window was leaning outward. The bay window brickwork was cracked and bulging away from the windows.

case study 598466589ce641.57601627 - Failing Bay Window Masonry

Bay Window Masonry Defects

The front corner of this house in Thanet, Kent had been previously rebuilt by a traditional general builder. This had failed to get to the root cause of the structural problem.

There was visible bulging of the side wall, cracks in the rear wall and outward movement of the higher levels of the front bay. There was also significant cracking in the spandrel brickwork between the lines of windows.

Thanet bay window cracks - Failing Bay Window Masonry

The bay window brickwork columns to the top floor had become unrestrained, de-bonded (see diagram) and bulged outwards. This caused the brickwork arches and the parapet wall above the bay window to also lean outwards. As a result, there was a bow shaped space between the timber window frame and the brickwork columns.

debonded brickwork bulges 1.3 - Failing Bay Window Masonry

Bay Window Masonry Repairs

AWT installed temporary supports and then deployed their AWT designed realigning equipment to restore the brickwork to an upright level. Specialist drilling rigs were used to introduce stainless steel reinforcement into the brickwork. This provided the necessary strength and restrained the brickwork to give a permanent solution to the problem.

Margate bay debonded 1 - Failing Bay Window Masonry

AWT used their specialist equipment to close up the cracks in the brickwork and restore the dropped brick arches. The custom made stainless steel fittings are all concealed within the brickwork to preserve the appearance of the property.

AWT have a great deal of experience in restoring structural integrity to listed and period properties. To maintain the appearance of the property AWT matched the colour and texture of the existing mortar and repointed the disturbed areas.

AWT can provide cost effective structural repairs for a wide range of structural faults including bay window structural problems. We operate not only in Kent but across the whole of London and the South East of England.

Contact us using our contact form, call us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

AWT was called in after replacement bay windows had been fitted to this period property in London SE15. Cracks had appeared in the surrounding masonry plus outward movement of the two storey bay window’s supporting masonry column, lintel and brickwork.

A temporary support had been put in place but urgent action was required to restore structural integrity.

case study 599edb3bea26a8.96391670 - Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

Collapsing Bay Window

What started out as a simple home improvement revealed structural issues with this Victorian/Edwardian period property in Lewisham, SE London. The masonry of the 2 storey bay window had become unstable and was being supported with a temporary prop. AWT were able to realign and reinforce the structure without the need to demolish and rebuild the brickwork.

Torridan collapsing bay 2 - Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

Specialist Bay Window Repairs

AWT have designed and developed specialist realigning cramping equipment. This provides a stable framework that then allows careful use of hydraulic rams to realign the distorted brickwork. The brickwork arches, columns and masonry elements were returned to the level of the adjacent brickwork and joints were closed up again.

Torridan bay specialist - Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

Custom made, stainless steel reinforcing restraints were introduced into the brickwork, leaving no visible support. This is an important consideration, especially for period properties.

Attention to Detail

AWT’s specialist structural repair skills saved the ornate stucco rendered brickwork around the windows from being destroyed. AWT’s attention to detail includes matching not only the colour but also the texture of the original mortar when repointing the disturbed areas. When the stucco render was painted the whole area looked as good as new.

Torridan bay repaired1 - Unstable Masonry on Victorian/Edwardian Bay Window

AWT’s structural repairs are quicker and more cost effective than using a general builder. AWT are able to get to the root cause of bay window structural issues and provide a long term solution.

AWT provide help for owners of period properties across the South East – Greater London, Surrey, Kent, Sussex and Essex.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems. Contact us on 01227 721 255, or email us.

Unstable Bay Window

Bay Window Cracking & Sagging After Installing New UPVC Windows

The bay windows in this London, SW2, property had become unstable due to the removal of the original timber windows for replacement double glazing installation. Problems were manifested as cracks in the plaster and brickwork. Gaps also opened up between the ceiling and the bay wall.

AWT was able to restore structural integrity to the bay window without the need for slow, costly rebuilding work. AWT provided a cost effective, long term repair with minimal disruption to the ongoing restoration project.

case study 5b62dbe93c42d4.63894392 - Unstable Bay Window
Gaps, cracks & damaged brickwork. Structural issues caused by replacing windows in period bay windows.

Common symptoms of structural issues arising from fitting replacement windows into bay windows include:

  1. Cracks in internal walls around bay window
  2. Gaps opening up between the ceiling and the bay window wall
  3. Difficulty opening/closing windows
  4. Cracks in external brickwork
  5. Bay window masonry sagging
  6. Bay window masonry leaning/pulling away from the main elevation

The Structural Problem with the Bay Window

During the refurbishment of this mid-terraced Victorian/Edwardian period property in Brixton, South West London it became evident that there was a serious structural issue with the bay windows. Cracks were radiating out from the bay window brickwork and the first floor bay window was leaning outward. Both the plaster and the brickwork showed significant cracking.

Hubert Rd defects 1 - Unstable Bay Window


The Action Wall Ties team quickly discerned that when UPVC windows had previously replaced the original timber sash window frames the supports afforded at the head of the bay had been removed. This had allowed the bay window to sag, drop and rotate away from the main elevational house wall.

Initially, temporary supports were put in place to the underside of the first floor front bay window masonry. This prevented further deterioration of the brickwork.

This is a common problem that AWT is called to repair. Removal of timber sash windows from a bay window often leaves the bay window brickwork without sufficient support. Structural problems with the bay window masonry may become evident during or after the fitting of new double glazed units to the bay window.

Restoring Structural Integrity to the Bay Window

Action Wall Ties’ plan involved restoring the structural strength integrity of the bay window and redistributing the load from the upper storey of the property.

Utilising our specially developed equipment, tooling, methods and skilled staff allowed the realignment of the leaning masonry. This was followed by the fabrication and installation of remedial steelwork and fixings. The introduction of bed joint reinforcement beaming, to form composite beams within the masonry, together with lateral restraints restored the structural strength, all with minimal impact on the face of the brickwork.

Action Wall Ties used bed joint reinforcement beaming, lateral restraints and grout tie injection to reinforce the masonry. Steel lintels and columns were also fitted.

Replacement bricks were colour matched to blend with the original masonry. The pointing style and mortar mixture were also designed to match the original texture and colour.

Hubert repaired - Unstable Bay Window

Action Wall Ties serve customers in SW London and throughout the South East i.e. in Kent, Greater London, Sussex, Essex and Surrey. We are often called in by homeowners encountering bay window problems following the fitting of new double glazed windows. We are experts in repairing and stabilising bay window brickwork and stonework.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair, providing professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems including issues with bay windows. Contact us on 01227 721 255, email us or use our contact form.

Rendered Victorian Terrace with Bulging and Sagging Brickwork

Victorian Terrace with Bulging and Dropping Brickwork

This Victorian terraced home with rendered brickwork in Walthamstow, East London was suffering with dropping and outward bowing of the brickwork.

case study 5ba50c25294103.83954636 - Rendered Victorian Terrace with Bulging and Sagging Brickwork

The Problem

This rendered Victorian terrace home in Walthamstow, London E17, was suffering with significant distortion of the masonry. It also had dropping and outward bowing movement of the brickwork on the upper floor.

The left hand side external brickwork had bulged outward from the centre first floor. Internal movement to the junction of the dividing wall and external wall was also noted.

If structural repairs are sought early enough, AWTs specialist repair techniques may allow for repairs without removing render/pebble dash finishes. However, due to the advanced structural issues with this property, it was necessary to remove the render.


barclay upper floor - Rendered Victorian Terrace with Bulging and Sagging Brickwork

The Solution

The first step, after the initial survey, was to carefully remove the render finish on the front elevation to expose the underlying brickwork. As well as giving access to the brickwork this also allowed for a secondary survey to ensure there were no further issues with the masonry.

Our remedial work included:

  • Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming
  • Crack Stitching
  • Fenestration Lintel Repair
  • Lateral Restraints
  • Grout Tie Injection
  • Brickwork Repairs
  • Realignment and Pinning of the Coping Stones

The repair work was designed to reinstate the uniformity of the walls and provide restraint in order to restore the tensile strength of the brickwork. It was also necessary to reconnect the main elevational brickwork to the brick internal dividing and party walls.

Action Wall Ties used specialist drilling rigs that enable precision drilling. State-of-the-art stainless steel fixings were then installed within the framework of the building. These techniques have been designed to deal with the root cause of structural faults rather than just provide a short-term cosmetic fix.

Carefully matched coloured sand and cement mortar was used to make good the drill holes. As can be seen in the photo, there are no visible fixings once repair works are complete. The exposed brickwork is left clean, tidy and ready for repointing. The facade of the house can either be left as exposed brick or the render can be replaced if desired.

barclay render removed - Rendered Victorian Terrace with Bulging and Sagging Brickwork

AWT’s specialist skills allowed these serious structural faults to be repaired quickly and economically. No long and costly rebuilding work was required.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair. AWT can advise on structural repairs to properties with render, pebble dash and spar dash. We provide professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems for home owners in East London as well as the rest of London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Contact us on 01227 721 255, email us or use our contact form.

Bulging and Cracking Ornate Bay Window

Bulging and Cracking Ornate Bay Window

This Victorian/Edwardian terraced home in Lewisham SE4 was suffering with structural defects that were causing cracks in the decorative work around the bay windows as well as bowing brickwork.

case study 5beed707e44378.75615674 - Bulging and Cracking Ornate Bay Window

The Structural Problem

The beautiful decorative moulding around the bay windows of this terraced home in South East London was cracking. Even more worryingly, the brickwork of the bay window was visibly bulging and rotating away from the main part of the house. Inside the house there were cracks appearing in the internal party wall.

Action Wall Ties were called in to find a permanent solution to the structural issues while preserving the period features of the property.

The Structural Repair Solution

The AWT’s survey team diagnosed inadequate restraint of the bay window and a point loading issue with the party wall. Reinforcement of the masonry and a redistribution of the load on the party wall was required.

AWT have an arsenal of techniques at their disposal that are not available to traditional builders. This allows them to repair structural defects without rebuilding works.

Following a thorough survey, the following techniques were selected to restore the structural integrity:

  • Bed Joint Reinforcement Beaming
  • Crack Stitching
  • Grout Tie Injection
  • Lateral Restraints
  • Concrete and Brickwork Repairs

The specialist tools and equipment developed by AWT allows them to repair structural defects without compromising the look of a period property such as this.

st asaphs after - Bulging and Cracking Ornate Bay Window


A twin diamond bladed machine with attached vacuum was used for precision drilling prior to the installation of rows of twin 8mm stainless steel corded joint reinforcements. This helped to redistribute the weight of the upper storey to those parts of the supporting structure best able to carry them. It also assisted in restraining diagonal cracking and bulging.

8mm stainless steel lateral restraints screwed into the floor joists’ bresummer beam and resin bonded to the masonry provided further lateral restraint.

Localised cracks in the brickwork were stitched together using stainless steel fixings embedded out of sight within the brickwork.

Any patches of defective masonry were cut away and the areas were repaired using Flexcrete – a specialist repair substrate.

The finishing touches included colour matching any replacement bricks and ensuring the pointing style and mortar mixture matched the existing texture and colour.

AWT’s specialist skills allowed these serious structural faults to be repaired quickly and economically without damaging the character of the period features.

Action Wall Ties (AWT) are specialists in masonry reinforcement and repair. We provide professional solutions to a wide variety of structural problems for home owners in Lewisham and the whole of London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Contact us on 01227 721 255email us or use our contact form.

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